Get involved with ‘In It Together’!
Come and get involved with our In It Together programme!
Our programme In It Together is a group perfect to support people with early on set dementia, along with being a place where we can offer support to anyone attending the session.
In It Together is held down at The Totally Wicked Stadium, and runs along our various support group sessions, such as our Reminisce Cafe and Winter Warmers.
What is ‘In It Together’?’
In It Together is an active group that meets once a month and takes part in activities such as fun games that all can take part in and themed quizzes, along with refreshments on-site for all attending.
The group is also looking to open up to trips out and activities, that we want our community to be a part of and engage with.
When is In It Together next on?
Our next session is down at The Totally Wicked Stadium on the 19th June, from 1PM – 3PM.
Information on all futures dates for In It Together can be found in the information graphic below!